Charismatic changemaker, Rosemary Kariuki, is on a mission to empower migrant women, enticing them out of cultural silos, exposing them to new ideas, experiences and the wider Australian society – her means are anything but orthodox and laughter is her secret weapon

A more welcoming Australia?
If anyone can do it, she can.
Laughter is her secret weapon!

A more welcoming Australia?
If anyone can do it, she can.
Laughter is her secret weapon!
About the Film
Rosemary’s Way celebrates the remarkable Rosemary Kariuki and the group of vulnerable migrant women of suburban Sydney whose lives she helps transform from isolation to connection. Rosemary is our vibrant host over the course of a year, as we witness her reaching out to isolated migrant women from cultures as diverse as Iraq, the Congo and Peru. Rosemary is our ebullient facilitator; but the key characters are the migrant women who are drawn into her wake, and the Anglo women who agree to host them in their communities. We are moved and inspired by the stories of the women as Rosemary coaxes them to participate in new adventures and share insights into other cultures formerly outside of their experience. We join in the women’s wonder at the beauty of the Australian bush, where they gather under the trees to be Welcomed to Country by an Indigenous elder. And we witness their gradual transformation, as they find their voices and confidence in this new country that is now their home.
Local hero
Rosemary Kariuki was awarded the Australian of the Year – Local Hero 2021 Award for her work advocating for migrant and refugee women.

“It’s the right time for this story about bridge building, connection and simple acts of kindness”

“Sublime and uplifting… a very intimate film brimming with secrets and untold emotions. It’s emotive and emotional, but never manipulative”
The Filmmakers